Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Supreme Court’s Harabin says withdrawal of fine proves Finance Minister was wrong

Supreme Court’s Harabin says withdrawal of fine proves Finance Minister was wrong:"Finance Minister Ivan Mikloš has abandoned the fine he had imposed on Supreme Court Chairman Štefan Harabin over his refusal to allow a Finance Ministry audit of the court and Harabin said on Monday, October 4, this constitutes an admission of wrongdoing, the TASR newswire wrote. “Minister Mikloš thereby convicted himself of lies and legal and constitutional violations. A constitutional official is required to peruse regulations first before holding press conferences,” said Harabin, as quoted by TASR. “I'll bring him to court over this interference in the independence of the judiciary,” Harabin vowed. The court is currently preparing a legal complaint against Mikloš over what the court alleges is a gross violation of Slovakia's Constitution and laws. Finance Ministry spokesman Martin Jaroš said the ministry has suspended proceedings on the €1,000 fine that was meted out on Harabin in August. According to Jaroš, Mikloš insists that Harabin has broken the law and refutes claims that, given its cancellation, the penalty was unjustified."

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